Full moon meditation | Vulnerability

Wednesday 30th of December 2020
19:30 – 20:15 pm
Let’s meditate together in this vibration of the Full Moon in Cancer.
Guided with channeled information of the spirits with this Full Moon by Malou.

  • 30 minutes of guided meditation
  • 15 minutes of silence and flow
  • Message for the now from my guides

Feel welcome to join!
Please arrive before 19:25 so you can make a comfortable spot for yourself.

Out of safety & privacy Zoom will let you in the waiting room first, before you can enter the group.
I will close the group at 19:30 am, so we can meditate without interruption.

This channeled meditation comes from a place of abundance from the heart.
If you would love to support my sacred work, it’s possible to donate ♥ Paypal or Tikkie

The meditation & channeling will be in English.
(If you prefer Dutch, don’t worry, the heart will understand what the mind can’t translate)

Link online meditation:
Zoom meditation
