Full moon transmission | Dedication

Thursday 24th of June 2021
10:00 – 10:45 am
Let’s meditate together to receive the transmission in the vibration of the Full Moon in Capricorn.
Guided with channeled information of the spirits & angels with this Full Moon by Malou.
What is a transmission?
A transmission is an incoming energy flow of higher wisdom.
We can open our energetic systems for these information flows. 
A transmission does not speak to us in a language that the ego can understand.
It connects directly to our original hearts energy, so we can remember our inner source.
By opening yourself up to the transmission, you can surrender to the higher vibration and integrate it into your system.
Energies with a lower vibration like pain or trauma, are receiving the light to transform.
By doing so, we can experience a sense of wholeness <3 
Feel welcome to join!
Please arrive before 09:55 so you can make a comfortable spot for yourself.
  • 30 minutes of channeling to receive the moon transmission
  • 10 minutes of silence and integration
  • Message for the now from my guides

Out of safety & privacy Zoom will let you in the waiting room first, before you can enter the group.
I will close the group at 10:00 am, so we can meditate without interruption.

This channeled transmission comes from a light vibration of abundance from the heart.
If it was valuable for you, it’s lovely to donate an angel amount for the energy exchange € 11,11 / € 22,22 / € 33,33  etc. ♥  

Link: Paypal

Link: Tikkie


The transmission & channeling will be in English.
(If you prefer Dutch, don’t worry, the heart will understand what the mind can’t translate)


Link online meditation:
Click here to enter Zoom
