Lightcode 21st of December 2020
21st of December 2020 | The Great Conjunction | Lightcode & channeling of my guides
Dear humans, it is a celebration today! So much light entering the world. So much opening into our systems. The new truth will resonate with hearts energy. All the old stones will be broken down. So I want you to realize that we are in a Revolution.
We are going to build up the New Earth, which is refreshing and light. Before we can build we must fully observe our grounds. Investigating our grounds where we are going to build on. As long as the virus is separating us, I want you to challenge yourself to look at your own foundation. Maybe you already had a lot of healing work. But now we are coming to your ‘Blind spots’. The spots which stay in the shadow, because there is no awareness yet.
You need other lightworkers to shine some light in your corners. That brings us back to the concept that separation is an illusion. We need each other to grow. We need each others unique light to see how we can handle our own shadows. So please be open to the light of others. To shine in your corners, to see what you can not see yourself. There is enough transformation power into your system to start again from love. We are -only- going to build on love. This base of yours, check all corners to see if love energy is in this ground. This is your foundation to show up in your light. So YES use this time alone, to see which light you need from others to light up your own shadows.
We are helping everyone, so please just call us in the darkest nights. The moment that you are separated from yourself by fear. Fear will separate the 5D love energy from unhealthy grounds. So call us and we will remind you that you have the strength and the purest light to transform to love.